
Monday, December 07, 2009

Do you marathon?

and so Mok has completed and won his very first marathon! yay!

picture courtesy of uncle tho, ripped off FB so resolution not that good

so back tracking to the long overdue pictures of my field trip to sungei buloh nature reserve... a few just to show the highlights of the day.....
family of otters sleeping!

the mudskipper!

and the monitor lizard....

crabs fighting

HUGE grasshopper


there were more but i think i will stop here. haha

next up, pictures of Loop de Mandai with Jambion Low Suthep and currently 21-years-1-day-old sister!

all loaded for the ride!

decided to be vain and wear ankle socks

cloudy sky........

picking up my first companion Jambion Low Suthep with a newspaper tucked in his pocket, his cheater Easton wheels, and his custom made jambion helmet that says "LOW JI WEN", "2009 Singapore National Champion"

here comes the sister!

Jambion drafting!!!!

and finally, the not so happy ending - a rear flat on the cheater Easton wheels, making them not so cheater anymore...a nail pierced through it along Kranji reservoir and poor about-to-bonk-Jambion had to ride on it for half an hour before we could swap with my sis's wheel at NTU

no more pictures cos i spend most of the time worrying if the Jambion was fine and if the pace was alright for the sis, etc. i shall bring the camera along next time!

TWO days to Laos
FIVE days to my event

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